Saturday, March 20, 2010

Busy Mom's Bible: Review

One of the bad things about signing up for freebies is that you can forget what you've signed up for. Today a package was dropped off with a little surprise - a free bible from Busy Mom's Bible. I must have been one of the lucky 5000.

One of the benefits of finding financial peace is that it has helped us get other areas of our lives in order too, including our spiritual life. The arrival of this bible is appropriately timed. I just started a class at our church that teaches the essentials of L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Every day). In the first class we discussed the different types and versions of bible. I have a Study Bible and a New Living Version translation, so I'm excited to now have a New International Version (the version most commonly used at my church).

There are a lot of features of this bible that I really like. The overall size will be great to take with me to church. The study bible I have is a little too bulky to quickly access at church. The durable cover will be great considering the fact that I have 2 small children and my stuff tends to get tossed around. (Okay, I know some of you cringed when I said my bible get "tossed around", but lets me honest... it will). At first the color was a little shocking, but I think it will be helpful when I'm quickly trying to locate my bible.

The feature I'm most looking forward to are the pages specially designed for the Busy Mom (giving it it's title). There are brightly colored pages throughout the bible that give you the option of "1 Minute Thought Starters", "5 Minute Reflect & Pray", and "10 Minute Study" option. There are 52 additions that cover 13 general topics. These topics include things such as marriage, raising your kids, your identity in Christ.

I love their tag line: "For moms whose hearts are more open than their schedules." That describes almost every mom I know!

I'm really looking forward in to diving in to these highlighted sections. I tend to get overwhelmed with a busy schedule. I love that this breaks it down for me to time frames that I can wrap my mind around. I'm looking forward to using the highlighted sections to help guide me through the year. With 52 Thought Starters, I plan on devoting 1 week a year to each. I know I can find 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes each week to help develop my spiritual side. I think I'll start with Easter Sunday and work my way through the bible. I'll be excited to report back more later.


K E Fleck said...

this sounds neat! my mom's bible (that I received the year Jillian was born) is literally falling apart ... I like it so much that I've had a hard time searching for replacements. but, I'm going to go to the website and check out this one. Thanks!

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

K E Fleck said...

that should read "my mom's devotional bible" - meaning the title of my bible, not that I have my Mom's bible ;-)


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