Thursday, July 17, 2008


I was looking at my Monday accomplishments and goals and laughed. Maybe I should have started with goals for the week instead of the next day. This week disappeared as I sorted out how I was going to manage this post, finished up some projects I was working on, and toughed out the extra hot weather. I think it'll get easier now that I sort of have a plan. You'll see links on the side for my other "pages". I don't have links on those pages back to here, though. Eventually I'll format the zones page, but there will probably never be a link on the kids page. The people who visit that site don't necessarily need to be linking to the rest of my business. No secrets, but no reason to make it obvious either.

Because I'm a person who has to start things at a logical beginning, the next week may be boring here. The real fun will come when August starts and I can get more focused. For the next week, though, I'll be focused on getting ready for our garage sale. I still have to decide whether it's at my house or my parents, sort through stuff to put in the sale, price them, run the ad, etc. I'm hoping tomorrow to take a quick 5 minute sweep of each room and find at least 5 items per room for the sale. Some rooms will obviously be harder than others, but I figure it's a good way to declutter and earn some extra funds. I'm debating whether or not some items should go on e-bay instead. I'm chicken when it comes to shipping, though, so I'm not sure. Maybe I'll try to sell them at the garage sale first and then put any 'good' items that are left over on e-bay.

If any one out there is a regular garage sale attendee and wants to give me advice on pricing, I'd love it. I'm curious as how to mark onesies, sleepers, outfits, maternity clothes, etc. I have a lot of that stuff and will probably set one set price for each type of item. I've never purchased any of that stuff at garage sales, though, so I'm not sure where to start. TIA!

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